Thursday, September 27, 2012

 “The Fighter” Versus the “Townie
Who is the true “Pride of Lowell”? Who brings Lowell from the depths of poverty and ruins to the up and coming, soon to be booming city that it is? When I think of the “Pride of Lowell,” two tough and influential men come to mind. Andre Dubus III was a young man who grew up in poverty and a divided home, yet he was able to fight his way to the top of his profession and to the top of Lowell. On the other hand, there is Micky Ward, a middle aged boxer who turns his losing streak into one of the greatest boxing stories of all time.
Andre Dubus III had a rough life growing up and it all started with the divorce of his parents. He only saw his dad every once in a while because of the separation and his mom was constantly working in order to put food on the table. Things at school were just as hard for the Dubus children because they all had problems with drugs, alcohol, or just plain old bullies. After one last fight, Andre had enough of losing and decided it was up to him to protect his family. He ate properly, became fit and strong, and managed to fight back. This was Andre’s real start in life. He continued to write, like his father did, for the rest of his life and though he fought and had a reputation he pursued his love of writing. He was able to climb and fight his way to the top of Lowell and is now a well known author making the people of Lowell very proud.
Micky Ward is the other candidate for the true “Pride of Lowell” title. Micky also grew up in a chaotic house with one older brother and many sisters. His mother rare tried to do what was best for Micky at times, while his dad put a little more effort into looking out for his youngest son. Micky, just like his brother, started boxing at a young age. As he got older, he got stronger and tougher. He could take a punch as if he was being flicked and then swing back even harder. At the start of his professional boxing career, Micky was on a bad streak where he just could not win a match. However, once he changed his loyalty from his mother to a new manager, it all began to change. Micky started winning and even had a shot for the title. The championship match was an extremely entertaining spectacle and it was even more incredible when Micky Ward came out on top. He did it! He became the boxing champion of the world and truly put the city of Lowell on the map for all to see. In The Fighter, Micky’s brother Dicky gives him the title of the “Pride of Lowell” and talks about how everyone is so proud of him.
            Therefore, who is the “Pride of Lowell”? I believe both these exceptional men can share the title. Andre and Micky grow up in one of the worst neighborhoods around and with difficult family situations. The only difference between them and the rest of the children growing up in the same era and same situations is that they made it to the top of their own professions. Andre, an author, and Micky, a boxer, changed how the world looks at the city of Lowell and for that reason I consider them both the Pride of Lowell.      

Above are four significant pictures and from left to right they are: the real life Micky Ward, the cover to the novel Townie written by Andre Dubus III, then in the middle is Andre Dubus III, and on the bottom are two Hollywood actors that stared in the movie The Fighter and they played Micky Ward (Mark Wahlberg) and Dicky Ecklund (Christian Bale). 

1 comment:

  1. Jackson,

    Great job with this write-up and interesting questions. 10/10
